Sunday, October 14, 2012

It all begins..

If any of you have just begun attending or attend an 'elite' University in the UK, you will have noticed the City's employer presentations, advertisements and marketing thrown at you from day one. I remember being overwhelmed at Fresher's Fayre at the amount of advertisers of internship opportunities when I hadn't even found my way around campus yet.
For some of us, we decide early on that it is not for us - that you actually want a sane career path which you (think) you will enjoy! But most of us fall right into the trap of networking, insight days and CV and cover letter workshops all in the struggle to get to that all important prestigious City firm - in fact, most of the time, it's just any firm where we can get our foot in the door.

If you are not from the one of those, Ox-bridge, London, Russell Group Universities, it becomes just a little bit tougher to get to where you want to. It takes research, a little perseverance and a lot of applications to cross the threshold..

I'm no expert by any means with the process of applications but I've learnt a thing or two about where and how to find the best resources to finding, applying and getting a job in City and I wanted to pass it on to others as I make my attempt to get in somewhere as well..


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